08 June 2010

And the beat goes on....

So, alright, I admit it. I've been too lazy to deal with our server issues. But now that I know that at least 1 person has actually looked at this blog (you know who you are), I feel compelled to end the sloth and get it back in gear. Here is a brief synopsis of what is going on....

This is a serious high water year for us and the turts. Unfortunately, it has made it damn hard to catch the turts or get good visuals on them. Seining is out, since the res is too deep to wade across. We were having a go at the basking trap, but since a ridiculous Azolla bloom has occurred, the trap is not working and we have had to seek alternate ideas (more on that in the next post). Did I mention that over half of our tags (yes - the brand new tags that we just replaced) have crapped out on us. and since the azolla covers the pond like a carpet, we have been unable to get reliable visuals on any of the turts. In other words - the black cloud hanging over the project continues..... DOH.


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