08 March 2010

Belated 'Last Friday' Post

Well. The ERes is gi-noromous. The fullest I've ever seen it in my 4 years of tromping around the range. Thus, dialing in the basking trap is going to be key in catching turts 4 and 7 (both of whom need their tags replaced). So, with the difficulty of retagging this year, I took advantage of an opportunistic snag last friday to Tag Turt #8 (male). He was one of the boys whose tags failed at the beginning of last season, so hopefully, this year I've done a better job of 'bombproofing' his tag. I also retagged Turt 5, who is still lurking in OM (wtf?).
From this

To This

Big Thanks to Kong for coming out, he's one of Blumenshine's aquatic eco kids who is going to be helping us out this season.



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