23 June 2009

One is the loneliest number

Tues 3pm shift

All turts (#2,5,3,4,7) but #1 were in the usual spots. However, I could not find #1 to confirm what my receiver was telling me -- that #1 hasd moved about 4 meters SW from the flag into another batch of deadfall, making a line towards the HP swale. It also looked like someone took a rolling pin and knocked down all the tall grass. After an hour and a half searching for #1 (there were quite a few potential trails in the crushed grass), I recorded the spot with the strongest signal and took down the GPS coordinates. It was +4 minutes W from the previous GPS fix.

Oh, speaking of things going awry, the receiver batteries died on me but luckily I grabbed the "new" batteries from the tote. Well, those didn't last either but fortunately I had my own AA's in my car. Turns out the power strip in the storeroom was turned off (!). The receiver is now charging and I tagged the dead batteries so no one mistakenly uses them again. Just in case, when we go out on surveys, bring 4 "AA" batteries just in case.

#5 has been getting a lot of hoof traffic, but today I noticed the blue flag was literally pulled out of the spot. I replaced the flag.


At June 23, 2009 at 9:28 PM , Blogger R Olsen said...

Good effort Steven.


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