12 June 2009

Settling Down

The turts all seem to be settling down now. Everyone was in the same flagged burrows they have been in, although there is some confusion concerning turt5. SG recorded her near the road yesterday morning and today, Ramon and I found her right back in outer mongolia, where she was recorded on wed. Lots of cattle tracks in the immediate area, as well. We did see the cookie (an 08 hatchling) basking on the large log, but he scrambled into the (very nasty)murky water when he spotted us.


At June 12, 2009 at 1:37 PM , Blogger Steven said...

I probably did chase down a ghost signal but I was sure I felt a shell but upon further reflection I was using my gloves which means I could have been feeling anything. Put the error on me. I won't let this mistake happen again.

At June 12, 2009 at 3:37 PM , Blogger Janeothejungle said...

No worries, dude. When in doubt, go for the visual confirmation. You are doing exceptionally well being the 'low man on the totem pole' at the moment...


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