Froggy No Es Aqui
Well, apparently at least 3 large adult bullfrogs have suddenly showed up in the turt reservoir. No idea where they came from but I have a pretty good idea of where they are going.... My accomplice (Kim) and I took the 5am shift and it was mostly quiet. We saw the little ewok perched up high in a different tree. He's looking less and less like a baby as his fluffy legs (aka the butt ruffle) feather out.
Turts are tucked up in their watery beds and number 6 is still producing a high pitched whine. Commando frog assassination mission will be convening this eve at the usual place and time. Froggy needs to go.
For the record, this is the first time that I had heard the "bee bee" gun shots and seen, in person, the dead, nasty monster...
I'll admit, I was totally excited and enamored with Kat's ability and aggression to keep the babies alive. Rock on guys!
Is that a stock photo or are you bagging the bulls after each kill now?
We always take the adults, so we can check out stomach contents later on (ie any baby turts in the gut). Especially since these 3 bulls just 'magically' appeared in the turtle reservoir.....
Ah, I didn't recall recovering any bodies from the western reservoir when I was on death duty. A pity there's no budget for tagging bullfrogs. Theoretically could track their whereabouts through stable isotopes (C:N) I suppose, but if wishes were horses and money grew on trees...
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