Western Pond Turtle Research
This is part of our ongoing research on Western Pond Turtles (Emys/Clemmys/Actinemys marmorata) here in Central Cali. The goals of the pilot year are to document nesting and overwintering in an insular population whose habitat dries out almost every year. We are also looking at the effect on these guys of the removal of a key predator, bullfrogs.
31 August 2009
20 August 2009
10 August 2009
Game back on.
So if the turts had to write an essay on 'How I spent my summer vacation', I'm pretty sure it would go something like this........ sleeping......
Everyone is bunkered down in their designated summer hideouts. No standing water to be seen anywhere. I did get a visual on turt1 and am impressed that the bee dot looked as good as new. I'll post up some pics later. On the west side, the reservoir has finally dropped enough to resume persecution of the 'hopping green blight', as I so fondly think of them. Start working on your aim, dudes, it's time to polish off the cannons.
08 August 2009
Watch your step
11:40pm Friday
Funny thing happened on the way to a turtle radio survey -- my foot. The top step was weaker than I remembered and when I stepped on it, I went straight through the plank. Luckily the snake chaps dissipated most of the force. Only the right plank is broken but the left plank isn't far behind so I recommend that no one stand on the top plank. It's more than a little soft.
I'm not sure who to contact about the broken board, so hopefully someone reads this and passes the message along.
All turts were in their relative locations. Had some fun with #2 chasing down some ghosts in the rocks. A lot of weedlike plants have sprung up to the north of the pond's ridge (spiky bulbs, yellow flowers) and throughout OM near #5.