Western Pond Turtle Research
This is part of our ongoing research on Western Pond Turtles (Emys/Clemmys/Actinemys marmorata) here in Central Cali. The goals of the pilot year are to document nesting and overwintering in an insular population whose habitat dries out almost every year. We are also looking at the effect on these guys of the removal of a key predator, bullfrogs.
30 July 2010
20 July 2010
18 July 2010
Turtle Trapping
Well, we went for the baited wire methodology and, it turns out there is an element of smoothness and grace that are required to make the capture work. I apparently am lacking. Turts 1 - Kat 0
Fortunately, what I do seem to have is dumb luck. I managed to nab turt 4 as she was basking and foraging near the waterline.
We also got radio contact with 5,6 and 7. As well as several visuals of this guy - Turt8 (aka 'The Beast') who looks like a total dweeb with his antenna straight up in the air....
Bullfrogs (they suck)
So, yes, the 3 immigrants that appeared in the turtle pond this season have been busily wreaking havoc and procreating as fast as possible. The high water levels and abundant cover have made it very hard to get them, so in the last few weeks have been dealing with these..... (1st photo by Doug Drynan, hopefully he doesn't mind me poaching it)
all 4 legs out, ready to start menacing the locals
But it turns out, sometimes you just need to use the right tools... This is Doug. and no, I'm not calling him a tool (not outright, anyway), but he's damn effective in the war on bullfrogs.
Gruesome, and yet it makes me happy.
sing along if you must....