26 November 2009

Happy Holiday!

Not much new to report. Still no water in the East Reservoir. Turt 2 is still wandering around in outer mongolia. The other 5 girls are hunkered down in their burrows. Thanks to Xiong for coming out this morning to help triangulate!

12 November 2009

Lost and Found

Well, the cheeky turt was finally located thanks to Steph's careful sleuthing. Turt 2 is out wandering about for no real discernible reason. She is still heading north and I suspect she will have moved again by the time I check on her this weekend. I have no idea why now or why her. The other 5 turts are still bunkered down. At least she seemed alright, nostrils clear and no sign of resp. infection. Hope she knows what she is doing....

PS: Her tag has 2 decent dings in it and looks like it will likely short the first time she gets back in the water. The resin is also discolored and the signal is not very strong.

10 November 2009

Missing Turtle

Yes, #2 has gone AWOL. I ran out of daylight tracking her NE from her last known locale. Why she is moving farther away from the pond, I have no idea. Nor do I understand what might have triggered it. Back up tomorrow to try and pin down her new location. sheesh, females.